Export Mania 2017 - Webdrawer

This is the fourth of four posts related to the exportation of records from Content Manager.  Here I'll review a little of the feature functionality within Webdrawer.  You may wish to review the first three posts before continuing below (DataPort, Tag & Task, Record Addin).

The out-of-the-box webdrawer interface provides three opportunities to download an electronic attachment.  Each of these options will direct the user's browser to a URL that delivers the attachment to the browser.  The name of the downloaded file will be the suggested file name property.  

In the screenshot below you can see the download link (appears as 'Document') to the right.  The same link is provided within the viewer, which appears when you select the Preview link. 

Record Detail Page download link

Record Detail Page download link

The downloaded file name in this example ends up being "2017-09-28_9-31-37.png".  

The third option exists as an option in the configuration file.  The default setting is "Metadata", but you can change this to "Document".  You could also change it to preview (which shows you the preview, which then provides a download link).  


If I make this change (to Document) then clicking on a link in the search results page results in the file being downloaded.  


I can't say I find that very useful, but it is what it is.  I'll revert this back to a metadata link and then explore options. 

One quick win is to add the "download" attribute to a link.  This works for Chrome and Firefox for sure, but if you're using Internet Explorer STOP IT.  I modified my resultsList.cshtml file (located in the Views/Shared directory) and added a new column with a new button.


To accomplish this I made three changes.  First I added a new column in the table header row, like shown below.


Next I created a variable that contains my desired file name...

var desiredFileName = record.GetPropertyOrFieldString("RecordNumber") + "." + record.GetPropertyOrFieldString("RecordExtension");

var desiredFileName = record.GetPropertyOrFieldString("RecordNumber") + "." + record.GetPropertyOrFieldString("RecordExtension");

Then I added my column, as shown below...


Now these links will download the file using my desired convention!  Next I should go ahead and add a "Download All" link at the top.  That button uses jquery to iterate all of the buttons I added and clicks each one.

Download All clicks all download buttons sequentially

Download All clicks all download buttons sequentially

The javascript for this is below.    

function downloadFiles() {
    $('a:not([download=""])').each(function() {
        if ( this.href.indexOf('/Record/') > 0 && this.id.indexOf('.') > 0 ) {

In order for it to work, you must also add the desiredFileName value into the anchor's ID property.

<a id="@desiredFileName" download="@desiredFileName" href="@recordUrl">Download</a>

I should also give a meta-data file though too, no?  To accomplish this I add a button at the top and have it call "downloadMetadata".  


The meta-data file includes the title and record number, but it could include anything you want...


To get this to work I first needed to give myself a way to access each row in the results table, as well as a way to access the meta-data values.  I did this by decorating the row with a class and the column values with IDs.  The screenshot below shows these two modifications.


Lastly, I added a new javascript function into the webdrawer.js file.  I've included it below for reference.

function downloadMetadata() {
    var data = [['Title','Number']];
    $('tr.record').each(function() {
        var title = $(this).find('#RecordTitle').text();
        var number = $(this).find('#RecordNumber').text();
        data.push([title, number]);
    var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";
    data.forEach(function(infoArray, index){

       dataString = infoArray.join('\t');
       csvContent += index < data.length ? dataString+ "\n" : dataString;

    var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
    var link = document.createElement("a");
    link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
    link.setAttribute("download", "meta-data.csv");

So much more can be done, like zipping all the results via JSZip.  As mentioned before, I could also include all results of the search, if necessary.  Hopefully this gives the OP some ideas about how to tackle their business requirement.

Export Mania 2017 - Tag and Task

Warning: this post makes the most sense if you've read the previous post....

If I use the thick client I can tag one or more records and then execute any task (I prefer to refer to these as commands, since that's how the SDK references it).  In this post I'll show these tasks, the output, and how they may (or may not) achieve my goal.  My goal being the export of a meta-data file with corresponding electronic documents (where the file name is the record number).

The commands we can execute include:

  1. Supercopy
  2. Check-out
  3. Save Reference
  4. Print Merge
  5. Export XML
  6. Web Publish

If I tag several records and then initiate any of these commands, I'll get prompted to confirm if I'm intending to use the highlighted item or tagged items.  You can suppress this by unchecking the checkbox, but I let it alone (so there's no confusion later).  Once I click OK I can see the dialog for the selected task.


As you can see below, the supercopy command let's me save just the electronic documents into a folder on my computer or my offline records tray.  The resulting electronic documents are titled using the suggested file name property of the record(s).


The resulting files contain just the suggest file name.  It does not include record number, dataset id, or any additional information.  I also cannot get a summary meta-data file.  So this won't work for my needs.


Check-out does the exact same thing as supercopy, but it updates CM to show that the document(s) are checked-out.  Since emails cannot be checked-out, this task fails for 2 of my selected records.  That means they won't even export.  


So supercopy and check-out don't meet my requirements.  Next I try the "Make reference" feature, which gives me two options:

Here's what each option creates on my workstation...

Single Reference File


Multiple Reference Files


When I click the single reference file Content Manager launches and shows me a search results window with the records I tagged & tasked.  The multiple reference files all did the same thing, with each record in its' own search results window.  In both cases there are no electronic documents exported.

Single Reference File


Multiple Reference Files


Now I could craft a powershell script and point it at the results of my reference file(s).  The reference file includes the dataset ID and the unique record IDs. As you can see below, the structure of the file is fairly easy to decipher and manage.

Single reference file format

Single reference file format

I don't really see a point in writing a powershell script to make references work.  Next on the list is Print Merge. As shown below, this is a nightmare of a user interface.  It's one of the most often complained about user interfaces (from my personal experience).  The items are not in alphabetical order! 


It's funny because this feature gives me the best opportunity to export meta-data from within the client, but it cannot export electronic documents.  So I need to move onto the next option: web publisher.

The web publisher feature would have been cool in 1998.  I think that's when it was built and I don't think anyone has touched it since.  When I choose this option I'm presented with the dialog below.


I provided a title and then clicked the KwikSelect icon for the basic detail layout.  I didn't have any, so I right-clicked and selected New.  I gave it a title, as shown below.


Then I selected my fields and clicked OK to save it.  

When I selected the new basic layout and then clicked OK, I get the following results.  Take note of the file naming convention.  That makes 3 different conventions so far (DataPort, Supercopy, Webpublisher).


Opening the index file shows me this webpage...


I'm pretty sure the idea here was to provide a set of files you could upload to your fancy website, like a city library might do. I tell people it's best for discovery requests... where you can burn someone a CD that let's them browse the contents. 

Time to move onto the last option: XML.  When I first saw this feature my mind immediately thought, whoa cool!  I can export a standardized format and use Excel source task pane to apply an XML map.  Then when I open future XML exports I can easily apply the map and have a fancy report or something.  I was wrong.

Here's the dialog that appears when you choose XML Export... I pick an export file name, tell it to export my documents, and throw in some indents for readability.  Note the lack of meta-data fields and export folder location.


Then I let it rip and check out the results...


I would gladly place a wager that these 4 different naming conventions were created by 4 different programmers.  The contents of the XML isn't really surprising...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
<TRIM version="" siteID="sdfsdfsdfsdfd" databaseID="CM" dataset="CMRamble" date="Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 10:46:50 PM" user="erik">
  <RECORD uri="1543">
    <ACCESSCONTROL propId="29">View Document: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; View Metadata: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; Update Document: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; Update Record Metadata: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; Modify Record Access: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; Destroy Record: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;; Contribute Contents: &lt;Unrestricted&gt;</ACCESSCONTROL>
    <BARCODE propId="28">RCM000016V</BARCODE>
    <CONTAINER uri="1543" type="Record" propId="50">8</CONTAINER>
    <DATECREATED propId="5">20170928093137</DATECREATED>
    <DATEDUE propId="9"></DATEDUE>
    <DATERECEIVED propId="1536">20170928093449</DATERECEIVED>
    <DATEREGISTERED propId="6">20170928093449</DATEREGISTERED>
    <LASTACTIONDATE propId="21">20171015224650</LASTACTIONDATE>
    <LONGNUMBER propId="4">00008</LONGNUMBER>
    <MIMETYPE propId="82">image/png</MIMETYPE>
    <NBRPAGES propId="83">0</NBRPAGES>
    <NOTES propId="118"></NOTES>
    <NUMBER propId="2">8</NUMBER>
    <PRIORITY propId="13"></PRIORITY>
    <RECORDTYPE uri="2" type="Record Type" propId="1">Document</RECORDTYPE>
    <SECURITY propId="10"></SECURITY>
    <TITLE propId="3">2017-09-28_9-31-37</TITLE>
    <CONTACTS size="4">
      <CONTACT uri="6185">
        <FROMDATETIME propId="157">20170928093449</FROMDATETIME>
        <LATESTDATETIME propId="158">20170928093449</LATESTDATETIME>
        <LOCATION uri="5" type="Location" propId="155">erik</LOCATION>
        <NAME propId="150">erik</NAME>
      <CONTACT uri="6186">
        <FROMDATETIME propId="157">20170928093449</FROMDATETIME>
        <LATESTDATETIME propId="158">20170928093449</LATESTDATETIME>
        <NAME propId="150">FACILITY-HRSA-4647 (At home)</NAME>
      <CONTACT uri="6187">
        <FROMDATETIME propId="157">20170928093455</FROMDATETIME>
        <LATESTDATETIME propId="158">20170928093455</LATESTDATETIME>
        <NAME propId="150">FACILITY-HRSA-4647 (In container)</NAME>
      <CONTACT uri="6188">
        <FROMDATETIME propId="157">20170928093449</FROMDATETIME>
        <LATESTDATETIME propId="158">20170928093449</LATESTDATETIME>
        <LOCATION uri="5" type="Location" propId="155">erik</LOCATION>
        <NAME propId="150">erik</NAME>
    <REVISIONS size="0"></REVISIONS>

On the positive side, I do get the file name, title, and record number.  However, the uniqueness of this XML structure is for the birds.  I could craft a powershell script to tackle renaming the files and such, but I refuse to do so.  I protest the rubbish in this file.  Fly away little Xml document.... fly, fly away.

All this tagging and tasking helps me know my options for the future, but it also demonstrates clearly that I'm looking in the wrong places.  Unique requirements like these (exporting documents with numbered file names) means I need to either build something custom.  In the next posts I'll show several options for custom exporting.

Export Mania 2017 - DataPort

Someone asked a vague question over on the forum about exporting electronic documents.  Since I haven't done a post about exporting yet, I thought this would be a good topic to cover.  The OP wasn't specific about how to go about exporting so we'll cover them all over the coming posts!

Let's define a few requirements:

  1. There will be a file exported that include's meta-data for the given record(s)
  2. There will be a folder created to contain the electronic documents for the given record(s)
  3. The names of the electronic documents shall be the record numbers and not the record titles

Let's see how to accomplish this with DataPort...

Out-of-the-box DataPort

I can use the out-of-the-box Tab Delimited formatter to craft a DataPort project using the settings below.


In the settings section I can specify where the documents are be exported.  Then I scroll down to pick my saved search.  


Lastly, I pick the fields I want.  I must include the "DOS file" to get the electronic attachments.  So for now I'll include the title and DOS file.  


If I save and execute this project I get a meta-data file like this one...


And a set of electronic documents like these...


The forum post asked how these file names could be in record number format.  The existing format is a combination of the dataset ID, the URI, an underscore, and the suggested file name.  If this is as far as I go then I cannot meet the requirement.  

So purely out-of-the-box is insufficient! :(

Out-of-the-box DataPort with Powershell

I think a quick solution could be to directly rename the files exported.  Unfortunately my current export lacks enough meta-data to accomplish the task though.  The file name doesn't include the record number.  Nor does the meta-data file.

But if I add "Expanded number" as a field, I can then directly manipulate the results.


Now my meta-data file looks like this...


Now that I have the meta-data I need I can write a powershell script to accomplish my tasks.  The script doesn't actually need to connect into CM at all (though it's probably best if I looked up the captions for the relevant). 

The script does need to do the following though:

  1. Open the meta-data file
  2. Iterate each record in the file
  3. Rename the existing file on disk
  4. Update the resulting row of meta-data to reflect the new name
  5. Save the meta-data file back.

A quick and dirty conversion of these requirements into code yields the following:

$metadataFile = "C:\DataPort\Export\Out-of-the-box Electronic Export\records.txt"
$subFolder = "C:\DataPort\Export\Out-of-the-box Electronic Export\Documents\"
$metaData = Get-Content -Path $metadataFile | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t"
for ( $i = 0; $i -le $metaData.Length; $i++ ) 
    $recordNumber = $metaData[$i]."Expanded Number"
    $existingFileName = $metaData[$i]."DOS file"
    $existingFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($subFolder, $existingFileName)
    $newFileName = ($recordNumber + [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($existingFileName))
    $newFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($subFolder, $newFileName)
    if ( ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($existingFileName) -and (Test-Path $existingFilePath) -and (Test-Path $newFilePath) -eq $false ) 
        if ( (Test-Path $newFilePath) ) 
            Remove-Item -Path $newFilePath
        Move-Item -Path $existingFilePath -Destination $newFilePath
        $metaData[$i].'DOS file' = $newFileName
$metaData | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | Out-File -FilePath $metadataFile

After I run that script on my DataPort results, I get this CSV file...


And my electronic documents are named correctly...


So with a little creative powershell I can achieve the result, but it's a two step process.  I must remember to execute this after I execute my export.  Granted, I could actually call the export process at the top of the powershell and then not mess with DataPort directly.

This still seems a bit of a hack to get my results.  Maybe creating a new DataPort Export Formatter is easy?

Custom DataPort Export Formatter

The out-of-the-box Tab delimited DataPort formatter works well.  I don't even need to re-create it!  I just need to be creative.

So my first step is to create a new visual studio class library that contains one class based on the IExportDataFormatter interface.

namespace CMRamble.DataPort.Export
    public class NumberedFileName : IExportDataFormatter

If I use the Quick Action to implement the interface, it gives me all my required members and methods.  The code below shows what it gives me...

public string KwikSelectCaption => throw new NotImplementedException();
public OriginType OriginType => throw new NotImplementedException();
public string Browse(Form parentForm, string searchPrefix, Point suggestedBrowseUILocation, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public void EndExport(Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ExportCompleted(ProcessStatistics stats, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ExportNextItem(List<ExportItem> items, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public string GetFormatterInfo(Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public void StartExport(string exportPath, bool overWriteIfExists, DataPortConfig.SupportedBaseObjectTypes objectType, string TRIMVersionInfo, string[] headerCaptions)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public string Validate(Form parentForm, string connectionStringToValidate, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

Now I don't know how the out-of-the-box tab formatter works, and to be honest I don't care how it does what it does.  I just want to leverage it!  So I'm going to create a static, readonly variable to hold an instance of the out-of-the-box formatter.  Then I force all these members and methods to use the out-of-the-box formatter.  It makes my previous code now look like this....

private static readonly ExportDataFormatterTab tab = new ExportDataFormatterTab();
public string KwikSelectCaption => tab.KwikSelectCaption;
public OriginType OriginType => tab.OriginType;
public string Browse(Form parentForm, string searchPrefix, Point suggestedBrowseUILocation, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    return tab.Browse(parentForm, searchPrefix, suggestedBrowseUILocation, additionalData);
public void Dispose()
public void EndExport(Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
public void ExportCompleted(ProcessStatistics stats, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    tab.ExportCompleted(stats, additionalData);
public void ExportNextItem(List<ExportItem> items, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    tab.ExportNextItem(items, additionalData);
public string GetFormatterInfo(Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    return tab.GetFormatterInfo(additionalData);
public void StartExport(string exportPath, bool overWriteIfExists, DataPortConfig.SupportedBaseObjectTypes objectType, string TRIMVersionInfo, string[] headerCaptions)
    tab.StartExport(exportPath, overWriteIfExists, objectType, TRIMVersionInfo, headerCaptions);
public string Validate(Form parentForm, string connectionStringToValidate, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    return tab.Validate(parentForm, connectionStringToValidate, additionalData);

If I compile this and register it within DataPort, I have a new Export DataFormatter that behaves just like the out-of-the-box formatter (trust me, I tested it).  Now what I need to do is to add the logic that renames my files and the corresponding meta-data.

First steps first: I need to store some of the information provided in the StartExport method. 

private bool correctExportedFileName = false;
private string exportPath;
public void StartExport(string exportPath, bool overWriteIfExists, DataPortConfig.SupportedBaseObjectTypes objectType, string TRIMVersionInfo, string[] headerCaptions)
    this.exportPath = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(exportPath)}\\Documents";
    var captions = headerCaptions.ToList();
    var numberField = captions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Equals(new EnumItem(AllEnumerations.PropertyIds, (int)PropertyIds.AgendaItemExpandedNumber).Caption));
    var fileField = captions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Equals(new EnumItem(AllEnumerations.PropertyIds, (int)PropertyIds.RecordFilePath).Caption));
    if ( numberField != null & fileField != null )
        correctExportedFileName = true;
    tab.StartExport(exportPath, overWriteIfExists, objectType, TRIMVersionInfo, headerCaptions);

Note that in the code above I've had to do a couple of seemingly dodgy things:

  1. I had to hard-code the name of the subfolder because it's not avialable to me (so weird I can't access the project details)
  2. I used the AgendaItemExpandedNumber property Id because that's what maps to the record's expanded number (weird, I know)

All that's left to do is to fix the file and meta-data!  I do that in the ExportNextItem method.  That method is invoked each time an object has been extracted.  So that's when I need to do the rename and meta-data correction.  

My method becomes:

public void ExportNextItem(List<ExportItem> items, Dictionary<AdditionalDataKeysDescriptiveData> additionalData)
    if ( correctExportedFileName )
        var numberField = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemCaption.Equals(new EnumItem(AllEnumerations.PropertyIds, (int)PropertyIds.AgendaItemExpandedNumber).Caption));
        var fileField = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemCaption.Equals(new EnumItem(AllEnumerations.PropertyIds, (int)PropertyIds.RecordFilePath).Caption));
        if ( numberField != null && fileField != null )
            var originalFileName = Path.Combine(exportPath, fileField.ItemValue);
            if ( File.Exists(originalFileName) )
                var newFileName = $"{numberField.ItemValue}{System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileField.ItemValue)}";
                var newFilePath = Path.Combine(exportPath, newFileName);
                if (File.Exists(newFilePath) && File.Exists(originalFileName))
                File.Move(originalFileName, newFilePath);
                fileField.ItemValue = newFileName;
    tab.ExportNextItem(items, additionalData);

Now if I compile and export, my meta-data file looks exactly the same as the previous method (out-of-the-box with powershell)!

Feel free to try out my DataPort Formatter here.