Piggy-backing a Modern Analytics Architecture

Let’s say you’re one of the many Federal Agencies, Regulated Industries, or State & Local Governments migrating their analytical infrastructure onto the secured GCP platform (those ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, FedRAMP, HIPAA, and GDPR certifications make this a no brainer!). You will soon have access to tools and advanced capabilities that will enable a more comprehensive usage of Content Manager’s audit, compliance, and governance features. More importantly, you can start leveraging technological investments driven by departments & cost centers that have significantly higher budgets than you may have in your Records Management Office.

Consider this simple architectural pattern:

Automated Audit & Compliance.png

I’m actively working with two large insurance companies that are in the process of implementing this exact architecture. For each of them it’s a multi-year, multi-million dollar, multi-department modernization effort that will both migrate their analytical infrastructure and transform how they work. There are far more components in their final architecture, but I’ve simplified the diagram to make things more clear in this blog post.

I find it exciting that both customers agreed that governance was one (of many) priority logical capabilities. To them, initially, governance is primarily focused on data quality, master data, loss prevention, and security. Content Manager brings a lot to the governance table though. By piggy-backing the analytical infrastructure we can leverage existing investments and tap into entirely new technologies. All we need to do is think outside of the on-premise mental box.

Regulatory Compliance Use Cases

Two key aspects of regulatory compliance are records management and business process integration. Once you move into a modern analytical architecture though, you no longer need to directly integrate Content Manager with the source systems. Now you can tap into data as it flows through the architecture.

Using a SaaS product hosted on AWS that publishes to a Kinesis stream? Not a problem! We can use a Lambda to immediately create a record in Content Manager so that compliance officers have immediate access to records!

Automated Audit & Compliance-Compliance (2).png

Or maybe you want to ensure record holds are annotated in the Warehouse in real-time? Also, not a problem! Apache Beam, the open-source framework backing Dataflow, makes it easy to pull in active record holds as a side input via the CM Service API.

Automated Audit & Compliance-Compliance - Record Holds (1).png

Or maybe you need to push Content Manager data into your environment so that you can mitigate operational risk by extracting entities & sentiment from textual underwriting notes (stored in CM)? GCP makes it simple! We just need to create a Cloud Composer DAG that pulls the content from CM, runs them through AutoML, submits a job to an auto-provisioned Hadoop cluster, run the PySpark model to predict the propensity a new policy will file a claim, submit the results to BigQuery for retrospective analysis, and automatically kick-off workflows for internal auditors to evaluate a random sampling of the model results!

Automated Audit & Compliance-Compliance - Entity Extraction (2).png

By just cobbling components together we can leverage the existing investment in the analytical infrastructure to create compelling Content Manager integrations that drive regulatory compliance. This can be a compelling low-code approach that delivers immediate results from your cloud investment. Just scratching the surface with the exciting things on the horizon!

Subscribing a MicroStrategy Report to be delivered to Content Manager

As users work with MicroStrategy they will create records, right?  In this post I'll detail one approach for routinely getting those records into Content Manager with no user effort....

First create a new file transmitter named Content Manager:


Then create a new Content Manager device:

Select the new Content Manager transmitter type

Select the new Content Manager transmitter type

Note the File Location is dynamic, based on the User's ID

Note the File Location is dynamic, based on the User's ID


Then update the user so that they have an address on the new device:

Note that user addresses can be automatically attached via a command manager script

Note that user addresses can be automatically attached via a command manager script


Also need to ensure that the user can subscribe to a file (Content Manager is of type File):


Now the user can subscribe a report to a file:


This one will be scheduled to run every day at 5am:


When the schedule runs the PDF will be placed within a sub-folder unique for this user:

The Recipient ID in the folder name doesn't really help me.  The script will need to know the login of the user so that it can be registered within CM on their behalf.  I can lookup the login by using the command manager, as shown below.

If I execute the command manager from within powershell I won't get a nice table.  Instead I'll get some really ugly output:


I don't want the results file to include everyone.  I just need those who have addresses pointing to my Content Manager staging devices.  But I also want to know the name of the report and have it formatted to be more easily worked-with inside powershell.  I'll have to use a command manager procedure....

DisplayPropertyEnum iProperty = DisplayPropertyEnum.EXPRESSION;
ResultSet oUserProperties = executeCapture("LIST ALL PROPERTIES FOR USERS IN GROUP 'EVERYONE';");
ResultSet oPropertySet = null;
while (!oUserProperties.isEof()) {
    String sUserLogin = oUserProperties.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.LOGIN);
    String sID = oUserProperties.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.ID);
    String sUserName = oUserProperties.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.FULL_NAME);
    ResultSet oUserAddresses = (ResultSet)oUserProperties.getFieldValue(DisplayPropertyEnum.DS_ADDRESSES_RESULTSET);
    while (!oUserAddresses.isEof()) {
        String sAddressName = oUserAddresses.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.DS_ADDRESS_NAME);
        if (sAddressName.contains("Content Manager")) {
            ResultSet oProjects = executeCapture("LIST ALL PROJECTS;");
            while (!oProjects.isEof()) {
                String sProjectName = oProjects.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.NAME);
                ResultSet oSubscriptions = executeCapture("LIST ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR RECIPIENTS USER '" + sUserName + "' FOR PROJECT '" + sProjectName + "';");
                while (!oSubscriptions.isEof()) {
                    String sContent = oSubscriptions.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.CONTENT);
                    String sSubscriptionType = oSubscriptions.getFieldValueString(DisplayPropertyEnum.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE);
                    if (sSubscriptionType.contains("File")) {
                        ResultSet oRecipientList = (ResultSet)oSubscriptions.getFieldValue(RECIPIENT_RESULTSET);
                        while (!oRecipientList.isEof()) {
                            String sRecipientAddress = oRecipientList.getFieldValueString(RECIPIENT_ADDRESS);
                            if (sRecipientAddress.contains(sAddressName)) {
                                printOut("||" + sID + ",\"" + sUserLogin + "\",\"" + sContent+"\"");

Executing this yields the following content within the log file:


Note that I included two pipe characters in my log file, so that I can later find & parse my results.  In powershell I'll invoke the procedure via the command manager, redirect the output to a file, load the file, find the lines with the double pipes, extract the data, and convert it from CSV. 

function Get-MstrCMUserSubscriptions {
    $command = 'EXECUTE PROCEDURE ListContentManagerUserSubscriptions();'
    $outFile = New-TemporaryFile
    $logFile = New-TemporaryFile
    $userSubscriptions = @("ID,Name,Report")
    try {
        Add-Content -Path $outFile $command
        $cmdmgrCommand = "cmdmgr -n `"$psn`" -u `"$psnUser`" -f `"$outFile`" -o `"$logFile`""
        iex $cmdmgrCommand$results += $_ }}
        $results = Get-Content -Path $logFile | Where-Object { $_ -like "*||*" }
        foreach ( $result in $results ) {
            $userSubscriptions += ($result.split('|')[2])
    } catch {
    if ( (Test-Path $outFile) ) { Remove-Item -Path $outFile -Force }
    if ( (Test-Path $logFile) ) { Remove-Item -Path $logFile -Force }
    return $userSubscriptions | ConvertFrom-CSV

That effort yields an array I can work with...


Last step, iterate the array and look for reports in the staging area.  As I find one, I submit it to Content Manager via the Service API and remove it from disk.  

$userSubscriptions = Get-MstrCMUserSubscriptions
foreach ( $userSubscription in $userSubscriptions ) {
    $stagingPath = ("$stagingRoot\\$($userSubscription.ID)")
    $reports = Get-ChildItem $stagingPath -Filter "*$($userSubscription.Report)*"
    foreach ( $report in $reports ) {
        New-CMRecord -UserLogin $userSubscription.Name -Report $userSubscription.Report -File $report.Name
        Remove-Item $report.Name -Force

My New-CMRecord function includes logic that locates an appropriate folder for the report.  Yours could attach a schedule, classification, or other meta-data fetched from Microstrategy.  

Ensuring Records Managers can access Microstragegy

I've got a MicroStragtegy server environment with a Records Management group.  I'd like to ensure that certain new CM users always have access to MSTR, so that they have appropriate access to dashboards and reports.  For simplicity of the post I'll focus just on CM administrators.

Within MicroStrategy I'd like to create a new user and include them in a "Records Management" group, like so:


This implementation of MSTR does not have an instance of the REST API available, so I'm limited to using the command manager.  My CM instance is in the cloud and I won't be allowed to install the CM client on the MSTR server.  To bridge that divide I'll use a powershell script that leverages the ServiceAPI and Invoke-Expression cmdlet.  

First I need a function that gets me a list of CM users:

function Get-CMAdministrators {
    $queryUri = ($baseServiceApiUri + "/Location?q=userType:administrator&pageSize=100000&properties=LocationLogsInAs,LocationLoginExpires,LocationEmailAddress,LocationGivenNames,LocationSurname")
    $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols
    $headers = @{ 
        Accept = "application/json"
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $queryUri -Method Get -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
    Write-Debug $response
    if ( $response.TotalResults -gt 0 ) {
        return $response.Results
    return $null

Second I need a function that creates a user within MSTR:

function New-MstrUser {
    Param($psn, $psnUser, $psnPwd, $userName,$fullName,$password,$group)
    $command = "CREATE USER `"$userName`" FULLNAME `"$fullName`" PASSWORD `"$password`" ALLOWCHANGEPWD TRUE CHANGEPWD TRUE IN GROUP `"$group`";"
    $outFile = ""
    $logFile = ""
    try {
        $outFile = New-TemporaryFile
        Add-Content -Path $outFile $command
        $logFile = New-TemporaryFile
        $cmdmgrCommand = "cmdmgr -n `"$psn`" -u `"$psnUser`" -f `"$outFile`" -o `"$logFile`""
        iex $cmdmgrCommand
    } catch {
    if ( (Test-Path $outFile) ) { Remove-Item $outFile -Force }
    if ( (Test-Path $logFile) ) { Remove-Item $logFile -Force }

Last step is to tie them together:

$psn = "MicroStrategy Analytics Modules"
$psnUser = "Administrator"
$psnPwd = ""
$recordsManagemenetGroupName = "Records Management"
$baseUri = ""
$administrators = Get-CMAdministrators -baseServiceApiUri $baseUri
if ( $administrators -ne $null ) {
    foreach ( $admin in $administrators ) {
        New-MstrUser -psn $psn -psnUser $psnUser -psnPwd $psnPwd -userName $admin.LocationLogsInAs.Value -fullName ($admin.LocationSurName.Value + ', ' + $admin.LocationGivenNames.Value) -password $admin.LocationLogsInAs.Value -group $recordsManagemenetGroupName

After running it, my users are created!
